You can become more consistent and able to fix your bunker mistakes almost immediately. You can stop wasting your time on the Golf course worrying about hitting the Golf ball into the bunker.
Today you are going to learn the correct Golf swing to getting your ball out of the bunker the first time and onto the green.
You need a sand wedge with at least 56 degrees of loft. You also need to ensure the bounce on the back of the wedge is not too high. The loft will help get the ball up and over the lip of the bunker and the bounce will ensure the Golf club glides through the sand.
Having the correct set-up is extremely important when hitting a good bunker shot.
The first set-up position is that you must position the Golf ball needs to be across from the inside of you left heel. In other words, the Golf ball must be forward in your stance.
The second set-up position is that your knees need to be slightly flexed with your feet shoulder width apart. One important note is that you should not dig or bury your feet into the sand. You only need to wiggle your feet a little bit into the sand because you do not use your feet, your knees, your hips, or your legs.
The third set-up position is to bend at the hips just as you would if you were hitting a pitch shot.
The fourth set-up position is that seventy percent of your weight should be on your left foot. The handle of your Golf club should be pressed forward and crossed past your belt buckle.
Lastly, make sure you keep you chin up.
Contrary to popular belief, your alignment in the bunker is the same as any other Golf shot. Your feet, your knees, your hips and your shoulders should be aligned parallel just left of your target. If you open your stance, the Golf club will come from the inside instead of an up and down motion. The club will not be vertical enough and you will often end of sculling or shanking the Golf ball.
Since you are using a Golf club with a lot of loft and since you will be hitting the sand first you will need to take a full Golf swing. Taking a full Golf swing will provide enough force to get the ball out of the sand. You need to swing the Golf club up and down and along your shoulder line. You should not turn your shoulders when making your bunker full swing. The backswing uses your arms and hands only. Your right shoulder will have more of a tilting motion than a turning motion.
Start the Golf club back with your arms and hands working together. Swing your arms up and down your bodyline. Your hands should swing past your shoulder line at the top of your backswing. You are trying to hit the ball up and not out. If you hit the ball up, the ball will come out. As the shaft is parallel to the ground the right arm and wrist begins to fold or bend. Your left arm continues to stay straight.
The first move in the downswing is to begin straightening your right arm. This will give you the necessary club head speed to get the ball up and out of the bunker.
As you begin the downswing, your right arm will unhinge and your right shoulder will follow. The arms and hands should swing back down on the same path as the backswing. Your right shoulder starts to turn and your hips start to open as the club head makes contact with the sand. If you do not open your hips the club head will stay in the sand and you wit hit a fat shot. Do not slow down your swing as you approach the sand.
After the club head enters the sand, the left hip needs to turn out of the way so the club has some place to swing. As your left hip turns out of the way, your arms will continue to the 10 o'clock finish and your belt buckle will be pointed at the target.
Rick Byrd is the author of a cutting-edge Golf newsletter and founder of website. For more information about">Bunker Shots go to" target="_blank">
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